Rearrange Comments: User Input After Data is Refreshed with Google Apps Script on GSheet
Image by Vaneeta -

Rearrange Comments: User Input After Data is Refreshed with Google Apps Script on GSheet

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Are you tired of comments getting lost in the shuffle when you refresh your Google Sheets data? Do you wish there was a way to keep user input organized and easily accessible, even after data refreshes? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to rearrange comments to prioritize user input after data is refreshed with Google Apps Script on GSheet.

The Problem: Lost Comments

We’ve all been there – you’re working on a Google Sheet with multiple collaborators, and someone leaves a crucial comment on a specific cell. But then, disaster strikes! The data gets refreshed, and the comment disappears into thin air. You’re left scrambling to find the comment or recreate it from memory. It’s frustrating, to say the least.

The Solution: Rearrange Comments with Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script to the rescue! With a few lines of code, we can create a script that rearranges comments to prioritize user input after data is refreshed. This script will save you time, reduce frustration, and improve collaboration with your team.

Step 1: Create a Script

Open your Google Sheet and navigate to Tools > Script editor. This will open the Google Apps Script editor, where we’ll create a new script.

function onEdit(e) {
  var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
  var comments = sheet.getComments();
  // Loop through comments and check if they contain user input
  for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
    var comment = comments[i];
    var userInput = comment.getComment();
    var userName = comment.getAuthor().getEmail();
    // Check if comment contains user input
    if (userInput !== "" && userInput !== null) {
      // Move comment to top of list

This script uses the `onEdit` trigger, which runs every time the sheet is edited. We loop through all comments on the active sheet, check if they contain user input, and move them to the top of the list if they do.

Step 2: Set up Triggers

Since we’re using the `onEdit` trigger, we need to set up a trigger in the script editor. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Triggers > Create trigger
  2. Select the `onEdit` function as the trigger
  3. Set the trigger type to “On edit”
  4. Save the trigger

This will ensure that the script runs every time the sheet is edited.

Step 3: Test the Script

Now that we’ve set up the script and trigger, let’s test it out! Make some changes to your sheet, and then leave a comment with some user input. Refresh the data, and voilà! The comment should now be at the top of the list.

Customizing the Script

The script is functional, but what if we want to customize it to fit our specific needs? Let’s explore some possibilities:

Filtering Comments

What if we only want to prioritize comments from specific users or with specific keywords? We can add filters to the script to achieve this.

function onEdit(e) {
  var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
  var comments = sheet.getComments();
  // Filter comments by user or keyword
  var filteredComments = comments.filter(function(comment) {
    var userInput = comment.getComment();
    var userName = comment.getAuthor().getEmail();
    // Filter by user
    if (userName === "[email protected]") {
      return true;
    // Filter by keyword
    if (userInput.indexOf("重要") !== -1) {
      return true;
    return false;
  // Loop through filtered comments and move to top
  for (var i = 0; i < filteredComments.length; i++) {
    var comment = filteredComments[i];

In this example, we’re filtering comments by username and keyword. You can customize the filter logic to fit your needs.

Prioritizing Comments

What if we want to prioritize comments based on specific criteria, such as the timestamp or the user’s role? We can add a prioritization logic to the script.

function onEdit(e) {
  var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
  var comments = sheet.getComments();
  // Prioritize comments by timestamp
  comments.sort(function(a, b) {
    return b.getTimestamp() - a.getTimestamp();
  // Loop through prioritized comments and move to top
  for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
    var comment = comments[i];

In this example, we’re prioritizing comments by timestamp, with the most recent comments appearing first. You can customize the prioritization logic to fit your needs.


Rearranging comments to prioritize user input after data is refreshed with Google Apps Script on GSheet is a game-changer for collaboration and productivity. With this script, you can ensure that important comments don’t get lost in the shuffle, and team members can easily access and respond to comments.

Remember to customize the script to fit your specific needs, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Script Description
onEdit(e) Triggers the script every time the sheet is edited
sheet.getComments() Gets all comments on the active sheet
comment.getComment() Gets the comment text
comment.getAuthor().getEmail() Gets the comment author’s email
sheet.moveCommentsToTop(comment) Moves the comment to the top of the list

By following these steps and customizing the script to fit your needs, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Google Sheet workflow and improving collaboration with your team.

Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Question

Rearranging comments can be a real puzzle, especially when dealing with user input after data is refreshed with Google Apps Script on Google Sheets. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and their answers to help you master the art of comment rearrangement.

Q: Why do comments get rearranged when I refresh the data in my Google Sheet?

A: When you refresh the data in your Google Sheet, the comments are not automatically preserved. This is because the comment data is not part of the sheet’s data, but rather a separate entity that’s linked to specific cells. When the data is refreshed, the comments are reattached to the new cells, which can cause them to appear in a different order. To avoid this, you can use Google Apps Script to preserve the comment order.

Q: How can I preserve the comment order when refreshing data in my Google Sheet using Google Apps Script?

A: You can use the `PropertiesService` in Google Apps Script to store the comment order before refreshing the data, and then reapply the comments in the same order after the refresh. This can be achieved by creating a script that stores the comment IDs and their corresponding cell references, and then reattaches the comments in the correct order after the data refresh.

Q: Can I use onEdit trigger to preserve comment order when user input is refreshed in my Google Sheet?

A: Yes, you can use the `onEdit` trigger to preserve the comment order when user input is refreshed. However, keep in mind that the `onEdit` trigger can only capture changes made by users, not by scripts. So, if your data refresh is triggered by a script, you’ll need to use a different approach, such as using `PropertiesService` or a custom function.

Q: How do I reattach comments to their original cell references after refreshing data in my Google Sheet using Google Apps Script?

A: To reattach comments to their original cell references, you can use the `getComments()` method to retrieve the comment objects, and then use the `setComment()` method to reattach them to the correct cells. Make sure to use the `Comment.getId()` method to store the comment IDs before refreshing the data, so you can match them with their original cell references later.

Q: Are there any performance considerations when rearranging comments using Google Apps Script?

A: Yes, when rearranging comments using Google Apps Script, you should consider performance implications, especially if you have a large number of comments or a large dataset. To optimize performance, use caching mechanisms like `PropertiesService`, and try to batch comment operations to reduce the number of script executions.

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