Finding the Perfect Firestore Alternative for CollectionGroups: A Comprehensive Guide
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Finding the Perfect Firestore Alternative for CollectionGroups: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of the limitations and complexities of Firestore’s CollectionGroups? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the best Firestore alternatives for CollectionGroups, providing you with a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect solution for your project.

What are CollectionGroups in Firestore?

Before we dive into the alternatives, let’s quickly cover what CollectionGroups are in Firestore. CollectionGroups are a way to perform queries across multiple collections in Firestore, allowing you to fetch data from multiple collections using a single query. This feature is particularly useful when working with subcollections or hierarchical data structures.

db.collectionGroup('cities').where('country', '==', 'USA').get()

In the above example, the `collectionGroup` method is used to query across multiple collections named “cities” to fetch all documents where the “country” field is equal to “USA”.

The Limitations of Firestore CollectionGroups

While CollectionGroups are powerful, they do come with some limitations. Here are a few reasons why you might be looking for an alternative:

  • Performance**: CollectionGroups can be slow and expensive, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  • Complexity**: Setting up and managing CollectionGroups can be challenging, especially for complex data structures.
  • Limited querying capabilities**: CollectionGroups only support a limited set of query operators, making it difficult to perform more complex queries.

Firestore Alternatives for CollectionGroups

Now that we’ve covered the limitations of Firestore CollectionGroups, let’s explore some alternatives that can help you overcome these challenges.

1. FaunaDB

FaunaDB is a cloud-native, serverless database that provides a flexible and scalable solution for managing complex data structures. With FaunaDB, you can create collections that can be queried using a powerful and expressive query language.

  collections: [
    { name: "cities", filter: { country: "USA" } },
    { name: "cities", filter: { country: "Canada" } }

In the above example, FaunaDB’s query language allows you to define a collection group query that fetches data from multiple collections based on specific filters.

2. MongoDB Atlas

    $lookup: {
      from: "cities_USA",
      localField: "country",
      foreignField: "country",
      as: "cities_USA"
    $lookup: {
      from: "cities_Canada",
      localField: "country",
      foreignField: "country",
      as: "cities_Canada"

In the above example, MongoDB Atlas’s aggregation pipeline allows you to perform a lookup operation across multiple collections to fetch data based on specific filters.

3. AWS Amplify DataStore

AWS Amplify DataStore is a fully managed, serverless database that provides a flexible and scalable solution for managing complex data structures. With DataStore, you can create collections that can be queried using a powerful and expressive query language.

amplify api get /cities?filter="country eq 'USA'"
amplify api get /cities?filter="country eq 'Canada'"

In the above example, DataStore’s query language allows you to define filters to fetch data from multiple collections based on specific conditions.

Comparison of Firestore Alternatives

Now that we’ve covered three Firestore alternatives for CollectionGroups, let’s compare their features and pricing models:

Feature FaunaDB MongoDB Atlas AWS Amplify DataStore
Query Language Flexible and expressive Powerful and expressive Simple and intuitive
Data Structure Flexible and dynamic Fixed and rigid Flexible and dynamic
Pricing Model Pay-per-use Instance-based Pay-per-use
Scalability Automated scaling Manual scaling Automated scaling

Based on the comparison table above, you can choose the best Firestore alternative for CollectionGroups based on your project’s specific needs and requirements.


In conclusion, Firestore CollectionGroups can be limited and challenging to work with, but there are alternatives available that can help you overcome these challenges. By choosing the right Firestore alternative, you can improve the performance, scalability, and flexibility of your project. Whether you choose FaunaDB, MongoDB Atlas, or AWS Amplify DataStore, make sure to evaluate their features and pricing models carefully to ensure the best fit for your project.

Final Thoughts

Before you make a final decision, consider the following key takeaways:

  1. FaunaDB provides a flexible and expressive query language, making it ideal for complex data structures.
  2. MongoDB Atlas provides a powerful and expressive query language, making it ideal for large datasets.
  3. AWS Amplify DataStore provides a simple and intuitive query language, making it ideal for developers who want a hassle-free experience.

By choosing the right Firestore alternative for CollectionGroups, you can take your project to the next level and improve your overall development experience.

Here are 5 questions and answers about Firestore alternative for collectionGroups:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to explore the world of Firestore alternatives for collectionGroups!

What is collectionGroups and why do I need an alternative?

CollectionGroups is a powerful feature in Firestore that allows querying across multiple documents that contain a specific subcollection. However, due to its limitations, such as performance issues and complexity, you might need an alternative that can provide better scalability and ease of use.

What are some popular Firestore alternatives for collectionGroups?

Some popular alternatives include AWS AppSync, Azure Cosmos DB, Google Cloud Datastore, and FaunaDB. Each provides its own set of features and advantages, so it’s essential to evaluate them based on your specific use case and requirements.

How does AWS AppSync compare to Firestore for collectionGroups?

AWS AppSync provides a similar functionality to Firestore collectionGroups through its multi-entity queries. However, AppSync offers better performance, scalability, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for large-scale applications.

Can I use Azure Cosmos DB as a Firestore alternative for collectionGroups?

Yes, Azure Cosmos DB provides a scalable and performant solution for querying across multiple documents with its hierarchical data model. Additionally, Cosmos DB offers better support for multi-tenancy and data partitioning, making it an attractive alternative to Firestore.

How do I choose the best Firestore alternative for my collectionGroups use case?

To choose the best alternative, consider factors such as data model, scalability, performance, ease of use, and integration with your existing infrastructure. Evaluate each option based on your specific requirements, and don’t hesitate to experiment and test different alternatives before making a final decision.