Syntactic Problems with Redux Middleware: Debugging the Concat Conundrum
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Syntactic Problems with Redux Middleware: Debugging the Concat Conundrum

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Redux middleware is a powerful tool for managing state changes in your application. However, when trying to add a new middleware, such as `authMiddleware`, using the `.concat()` method, you may encounter some syntactic problems. In this article, we’ll delve into the common issues that arise when attempting to concatenate middleware and provide solutions to get you back on track.

The Concat Conundrum: A Brief Introduction

When building a Redux application, you often need to add multiple middleware functions to handle different tasks, such as authentication, logging, or caching. The `.concat()` method seems like an intuitive way to combine these middleware functions. However, this approach can lead to unexpected errors and syntactic problems.

The Problem: Incompatible Types

The main issue with using `.concat()` to add middleware is that it returns a new array, rather than chaining the middleware functions. This can cause type mismatches and errors when trying to compose the middleware.

const applyMiddleware = Redux.applyMiddleware;
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(

const authMiddleware = ({getState, dispatch}) => next => action => {
  // auth logic here

const combinedMiddleware = createStoreWithMiddleware.concat(authMiddleware);

In the above example, `createStoreWithMiddleware` is an enhanced store creator with the `loggerMiddleware` and `thunkMiddleware` already applied. When trying to concatenate `authMiddleware` using `.concat()`, you’ll get a type error, as `createStoreWithMiddleware` is a function, not an array.

Solving the Concat Conundrum: The Right Way to Add Middleware

To add multiple middleware functions correctly, you need to use the `compose()` function from Redux. This function takes a variable number of functions as arguments and returns a new function that combines them.

import { compose } from 'redux';

const applyMiddleware = Redux.applyMiddleware;
const createStoreWithMiddleware = compose(
  applyMiddleware(loggerMiddleware, thunkMiddleware),

In this example, we use `compose()` to create a new store creator that applies both the original middleware and the new `authMiddleware`. This ensures that the middleware functions are properly chained and executed in the correct order.

Chaining Middleware Functions

To better understand how middleware functions are chained, let’s break down the process:

  1. The `applyMiddleware()` function takes one or more middleware functions as arguments and returns a new store creator.
  2. The `compose()` function takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that calls each function in sequence.
  3. When you use `compose()` to combine middleware functions, the resulting function is called with the original store creator as its argument.
  4. The final store creator is returned, which applies all the middleware functions in the correct order.

By using `compose()` to chain middleware functions, you can ensure that each middleware is executed in the correct sequence, without causing syntactic problems or type errors.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

In addition to the concatenation conundrum, there are other common issues that can arise when working with Redux middleware:

Middleware Ordering

The order in which you apply middleware functions can have a significant impact on your application’s behavior. Make sure to apply middleware functions in the correct order, with the most general functions first and the most specific functions last.

const createStoreWithMiddleware = compose(
  applyMiddleware(loggerMiddleware), // general logging
  applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware), // thunk handling
  applyMiddleware(authMiddleware) // specific auth logic

In this example, we apply the `loggerMiddleware` first, followed by the `thunkMiddleware`, and finally the `authMiddleware`. This ensures that the logging functionality is executed before the thunk handling, and the auth logic is executed last.

Middleware Function Signatures

Another common issue is mismatched middleware function signatures. Make sure that each middleware function has the correct signature, which typically follows the pattern `({getState, dispatch}) => next => action => { … }`.

const authMiddleware = ({getState, dispatch}) => next => action => {
  // auth logic here
  return next(action);

In this example, the `authMiddleware` function has the correct signature, taking the `getState` and `dispatch` functions as arguments, and returning a new function that takes the `next` function and `action` as arguments.

Best Practices for Redux Middleware

To avoid common issues and ensure smooth middleware management, follow these best practices:

  • Use `compose()` to chain middleware functions.
  • Apply middleware functions in the correct order, with general functions first and specific functions last.
  • Verify that each middleware function has the correct signature.
  • Avoid using `.concat()` to add middleware functions.
  • Test and debug your middleware configuration thoroughly.


In conclusion, adding middleware to your Redux application can be a complex process, but by following the right approach and best practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a robust middleware configuration. Remember to use `compose()` to chain middleware functions, apply middleware in the correct order, and verify function signatures. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a scalable and maintainable Redux application that meets your needs.

Keyword Description
Syntactic Problems with Redux Middleware Common issues that arise when attempting to add middleware to a Redux application.
Concat Conundrum The problem of using `.concat()` to add middleware functions, leading to type errors and syntactic problems.
Compose() A function from Redux that takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that combines them.
Middleware Ordering The process of applying middleware functions in the correct order, with general functions first and specific functions last.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to handle syntactic problems with Redux middleware and create a robust middleware configuration for your application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about syntactic problems with Redux middleware when trying to add .concat(authMiddleware)

What is the purpose of using .concat(authMiddleware) in Redux middleware?

The purpose of using .concat(authMiddleware) in Redux middleware is to add authentication middleware to the middleware chain, allowing you to authenticate actions and protect your application from unauthorized access.

What type of syntactic problems can occur when trying to add .concat(authMiddleware) to Redux middleware?

Common syntactic problems that can occur when trying to add .concat(authMiddleware) to Redux middleware include incorrect usage of the concat method, mismatched types, and incorrect placement of the middleware in the middleware chain.

How do I fix the error “Cannot read property ‘concat’ of undefined” when trying to add .concat(authMiddleware) to Redux middleware?

To fix the error “Cannot read property ‘concat’ of undefined” when trying to add .concat(authMiddleware) to Redux middleware, make sure that the middleware chain is defined and initialized before attempting to add the authMiddleware. Also, ensure that the authMiddleware is a valid middleware function.

Can I add multiple middlewares using .concat() in Redux?

Yes, you can add multiple middlewares using .concat() in Redux. You can chain multiple middleware functions together using the concat method, allowing you to compose a complex middleware chain.

What is the best practice for ordering middleware in Redux when using .concat(authMiddleware)?

The best practice for ordering middleware in Redux when using .concat(authMiddleware) is to place the authMiddleware after the applyMiddleware function and before the combineReducers function. This ensures that the authMiddleware is applied to the entire application state.